Website Design



OAC faced an outdated website that failed to showcase their expertise in Managed Services and IT Consulting effectively. Their existing platform lacked user-friendly navigation, modern design elements, and failed to convey their value proposition to potential clients. Additionally, the website was not optimized for mobile devices, hindering user accessibility and search engine visibility.


To address these challenges, I spearheaded a comprehensive website modernization project for OAC. Utilizing contemporary design principles and user experience best practices, I revamped their website with a sleek and intuitive interface. Implementing responsive web design techniques ensured seamless accessibility across all devices, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction. Moreover, I optimized the site’s content and structure for improved search engine rankings, enabling OAC to attract and retain a broader audience of prospective clients.

Through strategic planning and meticulous execution, the new website now effectively communicates OAC’s offerings and establishes them as a leading authority in Managed Services and IT Consulting in the Twin Cities.